Are you planning on launching a new website? If your current website is already getting some Google traffic, and maybe ranking well for some keywords already, don’t make the mistake of ruining it with your launch. Even if your new website design has all the latest SEO tricks and tweaks, you stand a good chance of disappearing from search engines if you don’t plan ahead. This guide breaks down the key steps you should take to keep your existing SEO rank intact.
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Once in a while you might run into a suspicious IP address accessing your website. Maybe it’s doing something funny like probing for vulnerabilities, or just spamming the heck out of your server. Being a responsible webmaster, you decide to ban the IP address from your server completely – but how? Using Apache Web server it’s easy to ban a single IP address, ban multiple IP addresses or ban an entire IP range using the .htaccess file.

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Most websites have both a www and non-www version of the domain name, but typically they both show the same thing. If you’re concerned about how search engines are viewing your website, or just want to maintain a consistent URL for all users, you can automatically redirect visitors to the non-www version of your domain name (and vice versa).

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