Gabriel Harper

Gabe is the owner and founder of Intavant, and contributes to Intavant Blog regularly with his expertise in design, development & business.

Articles by Gabriel Harper

When is it okay to use a trademark on your website? Is your logo or product too much like the competitor’s? When do you risk being shut down and possibly taken to court, even being sued for extensive damages? Combined with some common sense and these 8 tests for trademark infringement, you can arm yourself against most of the common mistakes in infringement law.

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Most websites have both a www and non-www version of the domain name, but typically they both show the same thing. If you’re concerned about how search engines are viewing your website, or just want to maintain a consistent URL for all users, you can automatically redirect visitors to the non-www version of your domain name (and vice versa).

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A practical guide written in a technical style, Edward Hasted’s Software That Sells is more about software and less about selling. The book presents a clear overview of running a software company with some useful tips and strategies, but when it comes to marketing tactics it falls short.

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On the shelves for almost ten years now, this book is still on my list of top business book recommendations. “The Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell is one of those books that started a wildfire in the world of business psychology, and which continues to burn fiercely to this day.

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“Unleashing the Ideavirus” by Seth Godin is a must-read for anyone involved in marketing products in this day and age. Seth shares a simple, raw, and very powerful recipe for creating products that sweep the market through word-of-mouth.

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